Babysitting job in Auckland: Salam


Babysitting job in Auckland: Salam


Hourly rate

Young couple with a 5 year old boy Babysitter required to do some late nights - kid will be asleep mostly but need someone there just in case. May occasionally need to aid him in the bathroom but he's mostly independent - so basically get paid to watch Netflix until we get home :) Please text on oh 2 two

Characteristics of the children
  • Curious
  • Calm
  • Intelligent

Number of children
Age of children
  • Gradeschooler

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When we need a babysitter

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
Updated: 11 October 2023

About our family

Type of babysitter needed
  • Babysitter
Preferred babysitting location
At the family
Languages we speak
  • Arabic
  • English
8 times

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Salam provided

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Member since
September 2023
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Babysitting job in Auckland: Salam
Hourly rate

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