Healthy halloween snacks and treats for kids
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Get startedDo you want to take part in Halloween traditions, but in a healthier way than normal? Try out these healthy Halloween treats for kids!
October is often synonymous with Halloween. That means scary movies, Trick or Treat, and ghoulish Halloween treats and snacks. Halloween is a holiday that has been popularly celebrated for years in the United States, and is becoming increasingly popular in more countries around the world.
Click here for the healthy Halloween snacks
When is Halloween?
Many years ago, the transition from summer to autumn was celebrated as All Hallow’s Eve (or Hallowe’en) by Western Christian religions. Their summer ended around the 31st of October. Next to this, the celebration commemorated the saints and the day after Halloween celebrated those who had passed away. This is why Halloween is celebrated every year on the 31st of October.
What is Trick or Treating?
Trick or treating is a tradition that children do during Halloween in some countries. Kids will wear costumes and ring or knock on their neighbors’ doors. When they answer, the kids yell “Trick or treat” and the neighbors will give them sweets and treats (primarily chocolate and candy). Trick or treating is a widespread phenomenon throughout the US, but it is also becoming more common in other countries, such as the UK and Canada.
Where did this tradition come from? Long ago, the early Christians would walk through the town and ask for a soulcake (bread with raisins). In exchange for this, they would pray for those passed away, so that dead family members could more easily find their way to heaven.
Healthy Halloween snacks for kids
During this spooky holiday, many kids go trick or treating for candy and snacks. But many families also make Halloween snacks themselves. Do you want to celebrate Halloween this year, but try to keep it a bit healthier? Then these healthy and quick Halloween snacks for kids are just the thing for you!
What do you need?
- Mandarin Oranges
- Bananas
- Cucumber
- Apple
- Strawberry
- Peanut Butter
- Sunflower Seeds
- Marshmallow
- Chocolate or sprinkles for decorating the eyes
- Knife or fruit peeler
Banana ghosts
BOO! These spooky bananas are not only super gruesome, you can make them in the blink of an eye. Peel the banana and cut it in half. Then, use the chocolate sauce or sprinkles to add the mouth and the eyes of the ghosts and voila! You’ve made tasty banana ghosts!
Apple mummies
Do you want to make these scary apple mummies too? No problem, it’s really easy to do! Grab a paring knife or apple/fruit peeler and peel the skin of the apple horizontally. Make sure that you don’t completely peel all of the skin off the apple. Peel a few small areas, so that it looks as if the apple is wrapped up in its peel, just like a mummy. To finish making the mummy, you can give the apple 2 eyes. You can do this with chocolate or with sprinkles.
Apple monsters
Another easy Halloween recipe with apples is this apple monster! First, you cut the middle of each quarter of the apple to create the mouth of the monster. It doesn't have to be perfect, as you will coat the inside of the gap with peanut butter. After, you place the sunflower seeds on the top of the apple to resemble the teeth. Following the last step, place 1 sliced strawberry inside the mouth for the tongue. The final step is the eyes, where you have to "glue" each marshmallow with peanut butter and add a bit of the chocolate sprinkles. Serve your monsters and enjoy!
Pumpkin oranges
Because Halloween is nothing without pumpkins, we made spooky pumpkin oranges as a Halloween snack. Peel the orange, but don’t throw the peel away! You can still use the peel as Halloween decoration. The only thing left to do is to make the pumpkin’s stalk. You can make this using a cucumber. Cut the cucumber into small squares and stick a cucumber square into the opening at the top of the orange. There you go! These oranges look just like mini pumpkins!
With these healthy and quick Halloween snacks, you and your family can enjoy tasty treats this Halloween without having to feel guilty about calories or sugar. Next to this, you can also use these snacks as Halloween decorations to totally get into the Halloween mood!
Did you like this article? Then make sure to read our article about how to trick or treat! Are you also going to make spooky Halloween treats? Tag us on Instagram or Facebook, we’d love to see your creations!